Tentative Date- Picture Day with Better Images. (If all costumes have arrived) This does fall on a Sunday, we will make sure it is after church hours.
April 27th-
The last "Watch Week" of the Season.
Spring Break. No Classes this week. (We rotate breaks with Jamestown and Xenia, this year our break is aligned with Xenia Schools).
Stay tuned for our exciting Summer Schedule...We will be offering dance camps for all ages as well as classes in each genre of dance. Registration for this season opens May 1st.
May 18th-
Contact us: (937) 736-2273 or by emailing darci@livegracefully.net
Our Pre-Team is our version of a lighter side of team that doesn't require as much commitment and time. They practice once a week for an hour and will perform one routine in our holiday recital along with two routines they will compete at a local competition as well as perform them in our spring recital. There is a Mini Pre-Team for ages 4-7 and a Junior Pre-Team ages 8-11. Their season starts in September and runs until our recital in May. Registration is available in the fall for this option.
March 15th-
Recital Fee Due- $50 per family. (Includes 2 tickets and a recital T-Shirt)
Highlights from our first competition of the season..
Happy Spring!
Upcoming Events
Our dance team competes at local dance competitions and Nationals every other year. We stride to help our team members learn what it takes to move on in the dance industry as well as learn the importance of being on a team. We have different options for team members. Pre Team and Regular Team. Team Auditions are held in July for regular teams. Contact: Darci Miller (darci@livegracefully.net) if you have any questions and are interested in joining our Dance Family!
April 1st & 3rd-
April 28th-
Spring Recital, Time Tbd, Central State Auditorium.
We offer a variety of dance classes for ages 3-18.
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Creative Movement, Contemporary, Lyrical, Acro, Hip Hop.
If you love to dance and are interested in starting classes or have danced before and are looking for your level, we would love to help you get into a class that works for you!
Recital tickets go on sale. $15 Adults, $12 children 4+. (Parents will receive a ticket with their recital fee, this is when additional tickets go on sale for families and friends.
Our Performance Company is where we stride to encourage "Community over Competition". At Live Gracefully we like to provide multiple options to our dancers as we know that competitive dance is not for everyone. This is the perfect option for dancers that love to perform! The Performance Company will perform throughout Xenia at local events, nursing homes, holiday occasions as well as our annual recital. They practice for an hour once a week and will learn multiple routines.
Performance Company
April 14th-18th-